Elim Payroll Services
Management Software
Elim Payroll Services Mgt Software is a customizable product of Elim Human Resource Pro (HR Payroll) software. It is payroll management software that is build to streamline the payroll system into systematized pattern for companies that provide payroll services to other companies. This customized software helps accommodate efficient payroll management tools to reduce payroll errors and payment related workload.
Our payroll processing service helps you simplify your every day payroll-related tasks, from the actual processing of payroll to the creation of custom reports.
We help you retain full control of your payroll, while reducing the administrative burden you feel every time you deal with some aspect of processing.
Target Industries
Handling time and attendance, payroll taxes and workers’ compensation can be difficult for even the most experienced business leaders. That’s where payroll services companies come into the picture. These companies take the stress out of payroll and related processes by providing Internet-based, intuitive services to companies of all sizes and in all industries. Our Software is developed to meet the needs of SMEs that:
Provide Payroll Services to other companies.
Companies who could not afford to invest in a payroll software but choose to host payroll with us as Saas
To simplify the complicated task of running and tracking payroll, many companies turn to an outsourcing payroll service for help.